Saturday, December 25, 2021

20211225 The Holidays

Happy holidays from our little tin can by the sea! 

Not the best of years. I have cancer and I have been told that I will be fighting some form of cancer for the rest of my life. The statistics are grim - only 14% of those diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer survive 5 years after diagnosis. My oncologist has told me that the longest she has had someone survive after that same diagnosis is ten years, and they died from brain cancer. So, I try to mitigate that reality by waking up and celebrating it. Every wake-up is a win!

I learned that Mr. Henry Pugh, the man that played keyboard and sang at our wedding, passed away on August 15, 2020. His rendition of Louis Armstrong's "What a wonderful world" will always be in our hearts. Since he sang it on our wedding day, it has always been "our" song. We celebrated our 10th anniversary by listening to Mr. Pugh while aboard the Harriott II riverboat in Montgomery, Alabama. The Hariott II replaced the Betsy Ann at the slip in Montgomery. Mr. Pugh was 83 and he died of COVID-19.