Thursday, December 24, 2020

20201224 eve

Happy holidays from us in the tin can by the sea. These are rough days this year. My son-in-law has come down with COVID and that has quarantined my daughter and grandson as well. My granddaughter and her son are isolated from the family due to the quarantine, with all the presents that were bought for them isolated in the house with my daughter and her family. Meanwhile, my niece and her husband are recovering from COVID that they came down with earlier in December. Further, my nephew is recovering after surgery to re-attach his retina. Another sister-in-law is recovering after surgery to replace a heart valve earlier this month. Another cousin is in cancer remission. One friend of the family has learned that he will be fighting cancer for the rest of his life. Another close friend is undergoing surgery early in January.

This year has taken it's toll on me. 

2020 has taken the lives of many dear friends and I'm sorry that I didn't say hello often enough or get a hug or handshake goodbye. "There will be another day" is no more. 

I've got to make it to tomorrow.